The World Haemophilia Day (WHD) is annually observed on April 17 to raise awareness about haemophilia and other bleeding disorders among the people. It is being celebrated since 1989. The international community had chosen April 17 for WHD because on that day Frank Schnabel’s founder of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WHF) ) was born.
Encourage treatments
The theme of 2020 World Haemophilia Day is “Get+involved” which means it is a call to bring like-minded people on one platform and encourage those who are suffering from haemophilia to go for treatment. The awareness campaign should take place at a global level. As per the World Federation of Haemophilia report, 1 in every 1,000 people is facing bleeding disorder, but many are left without treatment. It is a lifelong disease, which needs consistent treatment to remain healthy to some extent.
Need proper treatment
It is undeniable that there is an enormous inconsistency in the treatment of patients with a bleeding disorder across the world. Some patients are diagnosed at a young age; they need medical care throughout their life. Unfortunately, many patients die before adulthood due to inadequate treatment in our society. But patients who get the proper treatment, their life expectancy is normally 10-year less than healthy men.
Two types of haemophilia
There are two types of haemophilia (A and B). Haemophilia A is more common, and it happens due to deficiency of clotting factor V111, while haemophilia B is less common only 20 per cent people have B type. It takes place due to the lack of clotting factor 1X. Therefore, blood doesn’t clot properly. Hence, haemophilia patients face difficulty after injury or surgery, and symptomatic carriers must inform their doctors and dentists before surgery.
Carrier of haemophilia
A haemophilia carrier is a female who has an abnormal X chromosome carrying the haemophilia gene. A female’s two X chromosomes have the mutation of the factor V111 or factor 1X. Its ultimate result is the decreased levels of clotting factor V111 or 1X. Most carrier women don’t have any bleeding tendency of haemophilia, but those who have factor V111 or 1X activity can face problems during the time of surgery or period of menstrual. It is the expectation that 1 in 10,000 male births, where women act as carriers of haemophilia.
Symptoms of haemophilia
Several symptoms are the sign of haemophilia, such as:
- Frequent nose bleeding
- Severe bleeding after childbirth, surgery or injury.
- Easy bruising
- Heavy bleeding during the menstrual period
- A raised bump under the skin
- Extension of the bleeding period after the loss of a tooth.
The seriousness of bleeding depends on the level of Factor VIII or Factor IX in blood.
What to do?
Haemophilia patients have to remain agile every moment. They can’t play or go everywhere. Such patients will have to take several precautions like:
- Don’t take part in sporting activities like football, boxing, wrestling and hockey and so on.
- Avoid crowded places.
- Take advice from the doctor before taking aspirin or products that contain aspirin
- Never involve in any clash.
- Go for regular tests for blood-borne infections.
Efforts are going on since 1989 for the treatment of bleeding disorders in patients. Raising awareness, along with stress, is also given on the proper treatment and care of haemophilia patients on a large scale for their longevity and healthy life.