What are the best food combinations to prevent anxiety and depression?

Food is directly related to our body as well as our mood. Unhealthy delicious foods like ice cream, pizza, and burgers taste good but do not positively affect mood. Minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium, present in food, provide energy to cells and the brain. In addition, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 help the body make serotonin, affecting mood. 

 Here are some combinations of the best brain-healthy foods that prevent depression and anxiety. It includes seafood, green vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans and dark chocolate.

 20% of the food of the mind goes to the brain of our food. The 5% serotonin chemical is made in our brain. 95% is produced and stored in the intestines. Serotonin is the primary cause of mood.

Here are some of the best food combinations:

  • Green leafy salad

Green leafy vegetables contain a high proportion of nutrients. For example, spinach, beetroot and lettuce contain fibre, vitamin C and vitamin A. One can also take these substances in the form of soup. A small amount of seafood could also be included in the diet once a week. It also contains iodine, fibre, zinc and phytonutrients (natural chemicals).  

  • Fruits and vegetables of different colours

The more colours in the food, the better it will be for the brain. Fruits and vegetables like red peppers, blueberries, broccoli and eggplants affect our memory, sleep and mood. Avocados can also be included in the diet, as they are a good source of healthy fat. Moreover, it enhances the absorption of phytonutrients from other vegetables.

  • Seafood and chia seeds

Seafood is a good vitamin B12, selenium, iron, zinc, and protein source. If you’re a vegetarian, chia seeds, flax seeds, and sea vegetables can all take in omega-3s. In addition, oysters mussels (a type of seashell) are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential for brain health. 

  • Beans and Nuts 

Eat half a cup of beans, nuts, and seeds daily. Nuts, including cashews, almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, are great snacks. They can also be taken by adding to fry dishes and salads. Lentils and legumes could be included in soups and salads. It helps in reducing anxiety.  

  • Turmeric and Black Pepper 

Turmeric improves memory and increases concentration. Adding a pinch of black pepper to turmeric makes it more useful for our brain and body. Cinnamon, saffron and ginger are also good for the brain.  

  • Dark chocolate and yeast

Yeast like Yogurt improves the functioning of the intestines. At the same time, according to a survey conducted on 14,000 adults in New York, people who regularly eat dark chocolate have a 70% lower risk of depression.

While following this kind of diet, these delicious food combinations keep your mind and heart healthy. Consumption of healthy food is essential for our body and our brain. Happiness also plays an equal role, so try to release all tensions, worries, stress.