Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi can rightfully be credited as the first political leader in the country to coin a number of terms to signify the new Government’s innovative schemes that have been launched just within months of joining office. Digital India, Make in India, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are some of the terms coined by him and have been implemented as programmes for the development and growth of the economy. Another name that has been coined by Narendra Modi just recently is, “Swachhta Entrepreneur.”
On the occasion of dedicating India’s first digital village, Akodara, in Gujarat to the country, which was an initiative undertaken by the ICICI bank as part of the Digital India campaign, Narendra Modi asked, “Can we create Swachhta Entrepreneurs?”.
The Prime Minister launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on October 2, 2014 to make India a complete clean and swachh country by 2019. As part of this programme, toilets and sanitary facilities would be provided in all villages, towns and cities of India, including proper water supply, waste water management and also keeping clean roads and streets. The idea is to stop completely the open defecation that is prevalent in our country even today. Ever since the launch of the programme, the Government, private organisations, corporate houses, celebrities, NGOs, including the public, are coming forward to make this mission a success.
Who is a Swachhta Entrepreneur?
Taking forward his Swachh Bharat campaign, Narendra Modi on January 2, 2015 asked banks to help him create one lakh Swachhta Entrepreneurs every year. This was on the occasion of launching of the digital village at a function in Mumbai. A Swachhta entrepreneur is one who will work to make the Swachh Bharat mission a success by involvement in waste water management and treatment.
How can banks create Swachhta Entrepreneurs?
The occasion was ICICI Bank’s 60 years of service in the banking sector. It is the first bank in India to transform a village into digital village. Congratulating the ICICI bank, Modi urged all banks to come forward and be a part of this great initiative. Besides adopting villages to make them digitally powered, it is also time now for banks to be involved in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by creating “Swachhta Entrepreneurs” by financing cleanliness and waste management ventures. He requested the banks to set examples of social transformation.
Every bank should take up social issues and adopt a plan for the development of the country. Considering the fact that there is immense scope in water treatment and solid waste management, the banks should help the country by creating one lakh entrepreneurs every year with the help of bank finance. Young entrepreneurs should be given finance by the banks. Funds should be provided for infrastructure so that small people can become entrepreneurs. They should be given training on waste water treatment and management.
In this way, new sectors can be developed in the country along the path of the Swachh Bharat mission. With adequate support by the banks, these entrepreneurs can actually make the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan a success and a sustainable reality.
In this connection, Modi gave the example of Akodara village, which is not only India’s first digital village but is also the place where the first cattle hostel in the country is situated. The cattle hostel came into being in 2011 by the efforts of the villagers, the milk co-operative and the village panchayat. Ever since then, this village has also become a perfect example of a clean village. The income of the villagers also increased.
ICICI Bank should take the lead
Considering the success of the bank in the last 60 years, the ICICI group can play an active and important role in the economic development of the country in the coming years. The Prime Minister asked the ICICI bank to take the lead in this and urged upon them to make a blueprint of tangible goals, the goals which the bank could achieve by 2022, to celebrate the 75th year of India’s independence.
Read more :
MUDRA Bank : Details, objectives and benefits
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Making India Clean & More
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Bal Swachhata Abhiyan
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Modi Launches Cleanliness Campaign
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Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Celebrities and Politicians Join Hands
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