Health 5 Effective Home Remedies for Migraine

5 Effective Home Remedies for Migraine


Migraine is a type of severe headache. Migraine is very different from a usual headache, and its symptoms are different for everyone.

Migraine is categorized into four stages: Prodrome, Aura, Attack, and Postdrome.

  • Prodrome- This stage occurs before the headache begins. Individuals experience a few common symptoms during this stage, including Fatigue, Light or sound sensitivity, lack of appetite, and mood changes.
  • Aura- This stage refers to the uncomfortable feelings during the headache, and it lasts for approximately an hour. The uncomfortable feelings usually are with an individual’s vision, like seeing wavy lines or having tunnel vision.
  • Attack- This is when the migraine attacks. It usually begins with a minor headache into a severe one.
  • Postdrome- This stage occurs after the attack, and its symptoms include: weakness, tiredness, and lack of appetite.

What causes Migraine pain?

There is no exact cause of migraine pain established yet by medical experts, but specific triggers can cause the pain. Those triggers include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Skipping meals
  • Certain types of medicines
  • Changes in sleeping pattern or lack of sleep
  • Weather changes
  • Too much caffeine
  • Too much bright light or loud noises

How can Migraine pain be treated?

Migraine pain cannot be permanently cured, but its symptoms can be managed through medications and a few lifestyle changes.

Five effective home remedies to treat Migraine:

  1. Balanced diet- It is essential to have a balanced diet to prevent migraine attacks. Foods, which contain magnesium, such as green vegetables and eggs, must be included in the diet. Magnesium and Vitamin B2 helps in managing migraines. It is also important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Try to avoid junk foods, processed, alcohol, and aerated soda drinks.
  2. Acupuncture/Acupressure- A type of treatment where pressure is applied using the hand on specific parts of the body, which helps relieve migraine symptoms. Applying pressure on the hands and the neck can help in reducing migraine pain.
  3. Use of herbs- Ginger is beneficial in treating migraine pain. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce migraine pain. Drinking ginger tea is very much effective for migraines. Peppermint oil is also an essential natural product to treat migraines. Applying peppermint oil on the forehead can soothe migraine pain.
  4. Get enough sleep- Lack of sleep can lead to many health issues. It can lead to chronic migraine pain as well. Try and maintain a regular sleeping pattern, and get adequate sleep. Minimum 7 hours sleep for adults and 9 to 10 for kids.
  5. Other lifestyle changes- Try to limit screen timing on phone or laptop. Try to take a break of at least 10 minutes while working on a laptop or phone, close your eyes and give it some time to relax. You can use a cold compress on the forehead to relieve the pain.

Doctors for migraine pain usually advise prescribed medicines such as over-the-counter medicines. However, it is always better to opt for natural remedies to treat the symptoms because excessive use of pain relievers can harm health. However, if the pain is persistent and unbearable, you should visit a doctor immediately.

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