Want to Quit Alcohol? Here are top tips to help to establish a healthy habit

Tips on How to Quit Alcohol
Tips on how to Quit Alcohol.

Alcohol plays an essential role in at least half of all severe trauma injuries and deaths from burns, drownings, and homicides. It’s also involved in four out of 10 fatal falls and traffic crashes as well as suicides.

If you’ve made a plan to quit alcohol, then that’s great. Searching for an effective strategy to tackle this habit could be full of anxiety.

A sober living would have enough time to rediscover yourself and your skills, including building a new and alcohol-free life.

Here are the steps to quit alcohol and for establishing a healthy habit: 

  1. Start with an idea: Sit down and research your alternatives before beginning. Choose a method that works best for you and ponder over essential details. What will you do when you have the urge to drink? Whom will you call if you need assistance? Know some strategies in advance to maintain the situation and prepare to follow through so that stronger you emerge.
  2. Teamwork: Quitting is much easier with friends, allies, coaches and colleagues. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous 1 (AA) and other options like SMART recovery2 are ways to figure out a supportive community. One could also find a sponsor or a recovery coach who can endorse. It implies having an experienced ally to keep a person on track, provide honest recommendations, and hold oneself accountable whenever required.
  3. Medication: It’s for alcohol addiction and is not as popularly known as AA or rehab, but it’s one of the most effective ways to cease the process of drinking alcohol. For instance, The Sinclair Method has demonstrated a 78% long-term success rate using naltrexone to restrict alcohol cravings.  The FDA gives three medications the nod to treat alcoholism: naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram. Numerous drugs are prescribed off-label, including gabapentin, baclofen, and topiramate. Each of these works differently, but all can assist you in resolving the physical addiction to alcohol. It can make the psychological contest much easier.
  4. Taking up new activities to replace alcohol: Visit the gym after work to replace having a beer. Participate in social groups that focus on shared hobbies like music, sports, arts and crafts, or hiking. Complete your schedule with things to do instead of drinking, and view as they eventually take the place of alcohol. One might be surprised by the social opportunities that are available without alcohol. There are applications and online communities that could link you with other sober people who share the same interests. New activities and pursuits that don’t consist of drinking alcohol will divert you in a short period of the term. As time passes by, they’ll naturally lead you towards a more fulfilling and committing alcohol-free personal life.
  5. Long process: For many people, setbacks are usual. Don’t let yourself be discouraged. Many others who have gained the game before this task hit challenging barriers along the way or needed numerous tries to find the suitable approach for them. The important thing is to keep going. If one option doesn’t work, start again and try another.
  6. Vary the routine: One could usually meet friends for a drink post-work activity, consider going for a walk or meeting them for a hangout in the park or other alcohol-free space. Relax when feeling isolated by talking to a loved one or watching a favourite movie.

Other vital tips that could be shared:

  • Stay hydrated, especially during summer.
  • Intake regular, balanced meals. Try to include foods that increase energy and boost mood.
  • Get regular physical activity, if you’re able, such as hiking, cycling, dancing, or roller-skating for enjoyable ways to stay active.
  • Make better sleep a priority and in accordance every day.