Health What are the benefits of Tragacanth?

What are the benefits of Tragacanth?

Tragacanth is a plant that contains sap-like material resin. The resin of the plant is suitable to make medicines. It is a way to treat both diarrhoea and constipation. Tragacanth is called ‘Gondkatira’ in India. It is also used in toothpaste, denture adhesives, hand lotions, creams and jellies.

Here are some of the health benefits of Tragacanth:

  • Promotes Weight Loss

Tragacanth helps flush out all the toxic hormones from the body and helps to improve the rate of metabolism. In addition, the high fibre content present in tragacanth promotes weight loss by making you complete for a longer time. It also helps to improve the gut health of the human body.

  • Beneficial for Skin

Tragacanth has a lot of anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties that work on the cheek lines and remove wrinkles. It is also beneficial for the pimples and promotes the healing of wounds and spot reduction. Tragacanth also helps you get rid of acne, breakouts, skin pigmentation and burns very fast. You can apply this gum in the form of face masks for best results.

  • Good for Hair

It helps keep your hair healthy by adding more volume, and it helps strengthen them. In case of hair loss issues, consume tragacanth because the higher presence of protein in Tragacanth can heal the hair. You can mix tragacanth’s gum with water and use it in shampoo to make a difference after the first wash. It also helps to deal with hair fall issues.

  • Beneficial for Bones

Tragacanth is very rich in calcium and magnesium content. Calcium is the best source to strengthen bones, So the consumption of tragacanth can help make you regain your strength and get your bones stronger. Tragacanth helps to lubricate your joints that later develop into solid bones.

  • Good for Digestion

It promotes the laxative effects that help in preventing constipation. In addition, the presence of suitable enzymes in the tragacanth gum promotes digestion and soft bowel movements.

  • Helps in Urinary Incontinence

Tragacanth has various benefits for urinary incontinence or involuntary urination. The gum helps to ease down the muscles that become weak due to inflammation of the urinary tract or blockage of urine.

  • Helps to boost Immunity

Consumption of tragacanth can prevent you from stubborn coughs, colds, and flu because it stimulates your immune system and helps fight off foreign pathogens and invaders in the body. 

  • Prevents Pain 

Tragacanth gum acts as the most effective analgesic, which helps to reduce all kinds of pain. It also works on your nervous system, which assists lessen the sensation of pain.

Uses of Tragacanth gum:

It can be used as dressings for salads, sauces, or mayonnaise, including a thicker for ice cream, and for making puddings, especially during the winters. In addition, it is used for leather goods and leather dressing. The tragacanth paste can be worked for silks and crepes in textile print. Tragacanth is also used for hardening calico and is often used in ointments and creams as thickener or lubricants in lotions for hair or hand because it helps to increase the shelf life. In toothpaste, the tragacanth gum acts as a suspending agent.


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