One doesn’t have to be enamored by the Pink City sobriquet permanently prefixed with the name of the city of Jaipur. Most of the interesting architectural marvels in and around the city have nothing to do with the color pink. They are mostly yellow, sand stone or cream-white. Albert Hall looks beautiful, its setting in the midst of Ram Nivas Gardens and contrast of acres of green around one solitary structure takes you back to an era where aesthetics came first and remained foremost in architectural planning. In my numerous visits to Jaipur, I make sure I pass through the roundabout around Albert Hall, it is always a wow experience! It is a museum, but having seen quite a few museums I don’t admire it for that, if I have time, there are better museums with far more exciting heritage preserved in their rooms than this one offers. What I like about Albert Hall is the “package deal’ it offers to my eyes, passing through those majestic gates, over hundred year old trees on your left and right flanks, acres of green and in the midst of it all this majestic Palace in Hindu-Gothic architectural style, impressive! Of course Jaipur itself is a package deal, forts, palaces, bazaars, over a hundred year old planned city approach, the original city still has its character intact, it tells a story.
To know more about this beautiful place refer to the following:
Why is Jaipur called the Pink City?