Jaggery, commonly known as Gur in Hindi, is one of the best raw sweeteners that can be easily found in the market. As Spinach is to Popeye the sailorman and Laddoo is to Bheem, jaggery is the power booster for you in winters. Jaggery has hot potency (Taseer), so it is advisable to consume it in winters. It helps in the regulation of body temperature and also detoxifies the body. Basically, Jaggery is 30-40% water, 40-60% sucrose, 15-25% inverted sugar, 0.30% calcium, 8.5-10 mg iron, 05/100 mg phosphorus, 0.10/100 mg, protein and 14/100mg vitamin B.
Jaggery can be made from numerous sources like date palm, the sap of coconut and more, but jaggery made from sugarcane juice is most preferred by people. It is made by boiling sugarcane juice till it solidifies and is later reduced to blocks. This slobbering sweetener is rich in minerals and vitamins and can be consumed by diabetic patients too. Although it has the same calorific value as that of sugar, it is a better substitute for the white refined sugar. It is used in preparing various Indian cuisines and provides them with a distinct flavour.
Here are 9 benefits of consuming jaggery in winters:
Generates heat inside the body
According to Ayurveda, jaggery has a hot potency (or Taseer) that really implies that throughout its metabolism, heat is generated within the body. Every gram of jaggery offers four calories, thereby producing heat within the body. Throughout winters the blood vessels get constricted owing to weather conditions and jaggery is helpful in dilating the blood vessels and improving blood flow. This seasonal delight contains minerals, antioxidants, metallic elements like phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc and more, which makes its consumption even more nutritious.
Boosts immunity within the body
It is helpful in boosting resistance against certain infections within the body. Jaggery is loaded with various antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It boosts the immunity and guards the body against the harmful pathogens. It naturally treats a cough and cold too. It has the capability of protecting lungs from toxic pollutants so it should be included in your balanced diet during the winter months.
Prevents constipation and enhances the production of digestive enzymes
It stimulates the bowel movements within the body, hence providing ease in constipation. It can also treat the intestinal worms etc. It regulates the reactions within the body, cools the stomach, enhances the production of digestive enzymes and gets converted into acetic acid. The load on the digestive tract is majorly reduced, so digestion becomes easy.
Helps in preventing joint pain
Have you ever seen your grandparents demanding ‘gur’ ki roti or a piece of jaggery after finishing the food? The older generations are already aware of the benefits of this marvelous sweetener, so they consume jaggery after every meal. As people of older age have to take extra care, it is advised to consume jaggery with milk or consume jaggery with the juice of ginger, which helps in strengthening bones and tackles arthritis pain.
Detoxifies the body
Jaggery removes the toxins present within the body. It has anti-allergic properties which help in preventing allergies caused by cold and cough during winters. It also helps in purifying the blood as, after detoxification, blood flow gets improved. Also, the respiratory tract is cleaned so you become resistive to the infections, which usually approach in the winter season.
Eases menstrual cramp pain
Jaggery has various minerals and vitamins present in it. The consumption of a small amount of jaggery can counteract the energy lost during menstruation. Jaggery releases Endorphins, the happy hormone within the body which makes you feel good and provides ease during periods. Sudden mood swings, fluctuating hormone levels, stomach cramps can be tackled if you eat a small amount of jaggery after meals.
Rich in iron contents, prevents anemia
Jaggery helps in maintaining the normal level of red blood cells in the human body. It has iron and folate contents in large amounts. As it is a rich source of iron it can easily help in the prevention of anemia. The consumption of jaggery is extremely beneficial for pregnant women. Due to the presence of a large number of minerals and vitamins, it can help a person to regain the lost energy.
Prevents respiratory problems
According to Ayurveda, jaggery consumed with sesame seeds is no less than a boon. Respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis etc can be cured if jaggery is consumed with sesame seeds on a regular basis. As the respiratory tract is cleared, the regulation of the functioning of kidney and lungs takes place.
Boosts body metabolism and helps in weight loss
Jaggery has a high content of potassium, which is responsible for the balance of electrolytes in the body. It is also responsible for bodybuilding and boosting metabolism. Potassium directly helps in weight loss by reducing water retention in the body.
So, what are you waiting for? Include jaggery in your diet and stay healthy this winter.