Health What is a Midlife Crisis? Who faces is it?

What is a Midlife Crisis? Who faces is it?

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Midlife crisis refers to the transitional stage of adults aged between approx—45 to 60, where they struggle with the satisfaction of their overall life achievements to date. As the name suggests, middle-aged adults often go through a crisis during this age period. The problem is mainly a dilemma between their achievements in life and areas of life, which they missed out on. This dilemma often leads to irrational decisions where an individual only aims to fulfil the incomplete desires.

Individuals often feel depressed or sad about how their life has been up to their middle age. Individuals usually opt for ideas and wishes of their own, not thinking about whether it is appropriate to do it or not during that time. It may lead them to leave a job or leaving behind certain responsibilities.

Do men and women both go through a midlife crisis?

A midlife crisis is considered a normal transitional phase of life for which both men and women face it. However, working women may evaluate their lives differently from how homemakers assess their lives. For example, working women will probably evaluate how successful they have been as a mother, wife, or as a part of the family. Whereas, women who have spent their most of their life as homemakers evaluate their role and their achievements beyond the responsibilities as one.

Everyone may not face a midlife crisis, and there is no specific age either of when an individual might face it. Many people are still unaware of the concept of a midlife crisis, for which they might not even know whether or not they are facing it or have been through it already.

What are the signs or symptoms of a Midlife Crisis?

Everyone may not face a midlife crisis, and there is no specific age either of when an individual might encounter it. Many people are still unaware of the concept of a midlife crisis, for which they might not even know whether or not they are facing it or have been through it already. As the midlife crisis is not a disease, there is no way to diagnose it or treat it. Also, there are no specific symptoms either. How an individual evaluates their life and what they regret doing is different from person to person.

However, there are a few common signs that are seen in many individuals when going through a midlife crisis, including:

  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Drastic changes in mood (increased anger, depression, severe anxiety)
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Abandoning relationships, jobs, the usual routine
  • Taking impulsive decisions

What causes a Midlife crisis?

There is no specific reason behind an individual going through a midlife crisis. Instead, it is considered a transitional phase of life where individuals choose to look back at their overall achievements and reflect on them and how satisfied they are with them.

The midlife crisis phase may become a cause of concern if an individual is facing difficulties because of it and leading to harmful or irrational decisions. Therefore, it is a recommendation that individuals take professional help if they see their loved ones in the struggle.

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