The language of Nagpur is basically bilingual. The two languages at Nagpur that are widely spoken throughout the city are Hindi and Marathi. Marathi is the state language in Nagpur whereas Hindi being the national language is also very popularly spoken in the city of Nagpur.
Nagpur was taken as a segment of Maharashtra in 1956. Before that, it used to be the capital of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Marathi is a language that has its origin beyond 10th century. Sanskrit is the root of this language. After a continuous process of alterations and modifications, the present form of Marathi language came into being.
The other language of Nagpur that is Hindi has its basis in the Bundeli dialect of western Hindi. But the original form of western Hindi went through a lot of modifications in its grammatical structure. Later the people of Nagpur started speaking Hindi after making a lot of mixing up with Hindi language of other regions along with Marathi.
Thus it can be seen from the above that a huge population of Nagpur speak Marathi language but at the same time Hindi is also spoken widely by the people of Nagpur. Marathi is the prime Nagpur language followed by Hindi.
Last Updated on 9/26/2011