Nagpur Population

The population of Nagpur, according to the census report of 2001 is 2.5 million. It is recorded to be the third largest city of the state of Maharashtra. The report depicts that the total urban population of Nagpur is 2,129,500 with about a total of 410,000 households in the city. Further it is estimated that about 99.4% of the total Nagpur population is into non-agricultural activities.

The population in Nagpur as per the 2001 census report has about 25% of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Majority of the people of Nagpur speak in Marathi which is the official language of the state of Maharashtra and a large section of the population at Nagpur also speak in Hindi.

It has also been found that the male population is 20,95,489 whereas on the other hand the female population of Nagpur is about 19,55,955. While comparing the literacy rate of the rural population with that of the urban population, it is found that the rural literacy rate is 75.76% whereas that of the urban is 88.75%.

The city of Nagpur being cosmopolitan has people of different religious faiths from other parts of India. A major portion of Nagpur population comprises of the middle class people. But recently, a considerable portion of the affluent class has also been attracted towards this city. According to 2006 report on Nagpur demographics, it is the 114th largest city as well as 143rd largest urban area in the whole world. With more and more industries making their way into Nagpur, the population is expected to rise in the near future.

Last Updated on 9/26/2011