Avocado Cheese Bread Recipe

Avocado Cheese Bread
Avocado Cheese Bread
Avocado Cheese Bread
Avocado Cheese Bread

Since last couple of years I’m totally in love with Avocado’s, they are nutritious and lend a great taste as an ingredient. Its best however to choose a avocado which is ripe which you can feel by slight press of the fruit or another way I do it is by dipping a toothpick from the top, if it goes in easily then the fruit is ripe to be used. This time I used these to make Avocado Cheese Bread for breakfast and as expected it came out absolutely delicious, it was finished in no time. Well, I should also give some credit to the cheese spread which are abundantly available in all super markets, the spread was blended with onions for a perfect taste. Its pretty straight forward to make this breakfast and you could use the normal bread, however in this case I used a bread roll which I cut into slices at home, as this gives a nice appeal as well. So let’s see the recipe for Avocado Cheese Bread here. Enjoy!

Ingredients needed for Avocado Cheese Bread

(serves 4)

Bread roll – 1 (about a foot long)

Avocado – 1

Cheese spread – 2 tbsp (I used Amul cheese spred)

Onion – 1/2 cup (cut in small pieces)

Ketchup for garnishing

How to make Avocado Cheese Bread

Preparation time: 10 min.

Cooking time: 5 min.

Cut the avocado in 2 halves and separate the pulp from the skin using a knife, then cut in small slices.

Mix cut onion with cheese spread.

Cut the bread roll in slices and spread the onion cheese spread evenly.

Top each slice with few avocado slices.

Toast the slices in an oven for about 5 min at 180 C.

Garnish with ketchup.

Serve hot and fresh.