Rajasthan Agriculture

A significant portion of the economy of Rajasthan is agrarian. The agricultural sector of the state accounts for 22.5 per cent. The arid state which receives not more than an annual income of 25 cm thrives on agriculture that is done with irrigation systems and painstaking efforts of the poor farmers of Rajasthan. As a major portion of the state is parched and infertile, agriculture becomes very difficult.

Rajasthan Agriculture Map

Rajasthan Agriculture Map
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*Agriculture Map of Rajasthan showing different crops growing areas. Disclaimer

The total cultivated area of the state encompasses about 20 million hectares and out of this only 20% of the land is irrigated. Ground water level is available only at a depth of 30 to 61m. Rajasthan farmers have to depend on different sources of irrigation that include tube wells, wells and tanks. The Punjab Rivers in the north, the Narmada River in the south and the Agra Canals from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh provide water to the dry land of Rajasthan. Northwestern Rajasthan is irrigated by the Indira Gandhi Canal.

Rajasthan soil is also suited for the growth of some spice plants, especially red, hot chilies. These chilies give Rajasthan its distinct flavor. Other spices are cumin seeds and methi.