How To Take Care Of Your Pets During Monsoon?

Although the monsoon delivers a welcome shift in the weather, it also poses a number of difficulties for caring for pets. It is crucial for you to comprehend that your furry friends require extra care throughout this rainy season as a conscientious pet owner. Their health may suffer from the increased humidity, moisture, and risk of waterborne illnesses. Keep your pets happy and healthy during the monsoon by adhering to these detailed pet care guidelines.

Tips to take care of your pets in monsoon

  • Regularly clean their ears

Pets are more susceptible to ear infections in wet weather. It’s essential to daily wipe their ears with a cotton bud throughout the monsoon season. This lessens the chance of infections by preventing the accumulation of moisture and debris. But other times of the year, once a month is usually enough to clean their ears. Consider taking them to a pet grooming salon for a thorough ear cleaning if you’re not comfortable cleaning their ears yourself.

  • Keep Dry and Clean Paws

Your canine friends are exposed to wetness during the monsoon, which puts them at risk for pododermatitis, a painful paw skin irritation. Make sure to keep their paws fresh and clean to avoid this. After each stroll, wipe their paws dry with blotting paper or a clean towel to remove any mud or water. If necessary, rinse their paws with clean water, and if you can, dry them fully with a blow dryer set to low heat.

Trimming the fur between the paw pads is crucial for pets with lengthy coats. By preventing muck from getting stuck in their paws, this lowers the possibility of illnesses. In addition, avoid clipping their nails too closely to the skin to prevent bleeding.

  • Keep an eye out for infection signs

Pets are more prone to allergies and skin illnesses during the monsoon. Observe your pet carefully for any changes in behaviour, appetite, or skin condition. Consult your veterinarian right away for an appropriate diagnosis and course of treatment if you have any unexpected symptoms.

  • Exercise Indoors

Be inventive with your indoor exercises to keep your pets mentally and physically active because heavy weather might restrict outdoor activities. To keep their minds engaged, engage in interactive play sessions, employ puzzle toys, or engage in obedience training.

  • Stay away from dirty, stagnant water

Pets are susceptible to waterborne illnesses from dirty and stagnant water, just like people are. Such water can cause digestive problems, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. Always make sure your pets have access to fresh, clean drinking water to keep them safe.

Feeding bland food, such as rice and curd, to your pet can help ease the symptoms of a gastrointestinal infection. If the infection seems severe, speak with your veterinarian about the best course of action.

  • Prevent Thunderstorm Anxiety

Thunderstorms can cause uneasiness in some animals. For your pet’s safety and comfort during storms, provide a cosy location with familiar bedding and toys, preferably in a quiet room. To assist in reducing their anxiety, think about employing relaxing goods like pheromone sprays or calming music.