Weight loss surgeries are performed when it becomes difficult for an individual to lose excess weight, especially those obese. Individuals who have been overweight or obese for over a long period face difficulties to lose excess weight even after trying every natural method and taking medicines possible. As a result, those individuals often opt for weight-loss surgeries as a more convenient option to reduce the possibility of the health condition worsening.
Some of the common types of weight loss surgeries:
Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass is one of the commonly performed types of weight loss surgery. The surgery takes place in two methods. The first method is to where the stomach is stapled and divided into two sections. The upper section is small, called the pouch, and the bottom part is more significant. This makes you eat less food, helping in losing weight. The second part of the surgery is the bypass. This step involves connecting a part of the intestine to the pouch, which allows the body to absorb fewer calories.
Advantages of Gastric Bypass
- Fast weight loss during the initial period
- Lesser calorie absorption
- Lesser chance of developing an abdominal hernia
- Speedy recovery and a short stay in hospitals
- Less pain and scars
Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass
- May cause “dumping syndrome”, which is a reaction to intake of high sugar
- Individuals may feel depressed as they cannot eat as much as before
- Nausea or vomiting
- Restricted diet permanently
- Other problems may occur depending on the individual and how their body reacts to the surgery
Sleeve gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy is another weight loss surgery in which significant stomach parts are removed through laparoscopic surgery. The remaining components are joined together, which gives the size of a banana. This surgery makes your stomach size almost 15% smaller in size, which reduces the amount of food you intake.
Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy
- The stomach decreases in size but usually functions, so food tolerance is also standard but in small amounts.
- Less secretion of acid reduces the chances of ulcers.
- The upper portion of the stomach is removed, which produces the hormone ghrelin responsible for our hunger; this reduces appetite.
Disadvantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy
- The surgery cannot be reversed as significant parts of the stomach is permanently removed
- Weight loss is slightly slower in this surgery in comparison to Gastric Bypass
- Complications may occur depending on the individual’s health conditions