It is our inherent desire to have a youthful appearance, and it is no wonder that we have always striven to get that “Fountain of Youth” especially, once we reach 40s. This desire for reversing the effects of ageing has brought into the market a plethora of alternative treatments in the form of anti-ageing medicines, creams, lotions, pills, botox treatment, wrinkle erasers, and other supplements. This also includes some natural anti-ageing remedies, using the easily available stuff in our home. Herbs and fruits are among them. It is always better to opt for natural remedies that do not have any side effects.
Ageing is a natural process and you cannot stop it. But, you can at least try to maintain a regime that gives you a clear and youthful skin.
Let us start with the basics:
- Have a balanced diet that gives you the daily dose of calcium, protein and vitamin C.
- Drink enough water.
- Avoid direct exposure to sun.
- Remain active and exercise regularly.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Refrain from smoking.
- Get eight hours of sleep daily.
- Meditate and do yoga.
Maintain a Skin Care Regime
An effective skin care regime keeps you skin clean and soft, removes pores and dead skin cells, prevents dryness and ageing. For a healthy and radiant skin, you need to follow a skin care regimen, which includes the following:
- Proper face cleansing both in the morning and at night. Do not use those cleansing lotions with drying agents and high alcohol content. Preferably, opt for herbal cleansers.
- Use a toner that can effectively shrink the pores on your face.
- Wash your face with water (room temperature) every time you come from outside. This helps you to get rid of the dust .
- Exfoliate your skin using a homemade gentle facial scrub, once or twice a month.
- Apply natural face packs once in a while.
- Apply a moisturising lotion over your face, neck, hands and legs, in the morning and at night before going to bed.
Use Homemade Face Packs
You can make these face packs at home.
- Egg pack: Scientists say that eggs contain “biotin”, a special anti-ageing compound, which can repair the damaged skin and revive its firmness. Make a face pack mixing one teaspoon of egg white, half a teaspoon of malai (milk cream) and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Potato and carrot pack: Boil a carrot and a potato. Mash them, add a pinch of baking soda and turmeric. Mix the ingredients well and make a smooth paste. Your carrot and potato face pack is ready. While potato smoothens the skin, carrot is a rich source of vitamin C that helps in the collagen production of skin. It ensures that the firmness of your skin is not lost and wrinkles do not appear.
- Rose water pack: Take two teaspoons of pure rose water; add little bit of lemon juice and few glycerine drops in it. Dip a cotton ball into this and apply it. Rose water has a calming effect on the skin, which also helps in reducing blemishes.
- Vitamin E pack: To make a Vitamin E pack, take two teaspoons of yoghurt, half a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and one or two vitamin E capsules (Evoin 400 mg) and mix them properly. Vitamin E is very essential to repair the damaged skin.
- Banana pack: Take a small ripe banana and mash it. Make a smooth paste by adding one teaspoon of rose water, honey, and yoghurt into the mashed banana and apply it. Banana contains vitamin A, B and E. It is one of the most popular fruits for its anti-ageing properties.
- Papaya pack: This is one of the most tried and tested home remedies for ageing skin. Take few pieces of ripe papaya, mash it and make a paste. Apply this for few minutes. Papaya contains a special enzyme called papain, which can cure skin impurities and kill dead cells. It is also rich in antioxidants.
- Honey pack: Take four tablespoons of milk powder, two tablespoons of honey and some amount of warm water to make a smooth paste.
Whichever pack you choose to use, make sure that you apply it all over your face and neck for 10-15 minutes and rinse it well.
Use Homemade Face Wash
- Coconut milk: Take a raw coconut, grate it and squeeze out the milk.. Apply the coconut milk all over your face and neck for some time and rinse it. Coconut, with its vitamin and mineral content, can moisturise your skin, making it soft and supple.
- Milk: Take some milk and splash it on your face. Wash with cold water. Milk contains lactic acid, which revives your complexion and helps generate new skin cells.
- Honey: Apply honey all over you face and neck before taking your bath. Keep it for some time and wash. Honey acts as an rejuvenating agent, when it comes to wrinkles.
- Lemon juice: Apply few drops of lemon juice on your face for few minutes. Then wash your face after sometime. This helps in removing age spots as lemon contains antioxidant properties.
- Pineapple: Take a piece of ripe pineapple and rub the core of the fruit on your face for a few minutes. This helps in removing fine lines.
Use Homemade Anti-Ageing Moisturiser
Make your own anti-wrinkle moisturiser. You will need four tablespoons of rose water, two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and cocoa butter, and few drops of lavender or rose essential oil along with six tablespoons of oil (sesame oil for dry skin, almond oil for normal skin, jojoba oil for oily and acne prone skin, rice bran oil for mature skin ). Warm all the ingredients separately, except oil. Mix well in a blender. While mixing, add oil as per your skin type. Once done, store it in bottle for regular use. This is an Ayurvedic moisturiser, which helps in preventing wrinkles. Apply this before going to bed. You can also use this moisturiser after washing your face during daytime.
With all these options in hand, you can age gracefully by staying young at heart and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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Home Remedies to Stop the Signs of Ageing