A normal human sperm (22+ Y) fertilises an ovum with karyotype “22 + XX”. Name the disorder

Class 12th BIOLOGY, Question Paper 2023: A normal human sperm (22+ Y) fertilises an ovum with karyotype "22 + XX". Name the disorder

Question: A normal human sperm (22+ Y) fertilises an ovum with karyotype “22 + XX”. Name the disorder

The correct answer is –
If a normal human sperm (22+Y) fertilizes an ovum with karyotype “22+XX”, the resulting zygote will have a karyotype of “45,XYY”, which is a type of aneuploidy. This condition is called XYY syndrome or Jacob’s syndrome. In XYY syndrome, the affected individual has an extra Y chromosome in their cells, resulting in a total of 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. XYY syndrome is a relatively rare condition and most individuals with this condition do not have any significant physical or intellectual disabilities. However, some studies have suggested a slightly increased risk of certain behavioral and developmental issues in males with XYY syndrome.