Quiz According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these...

According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for which precious treasure?

Amazon Quiz, 15th June 2021. Question - According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for which precious treasure?

According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for which precious treasure?
According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for which precious treasure? (Credit: Amazon Quiz)

Amazon Daily Quiz, The options for the question – According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for which precious treasure?

  • Holy Grail

  • Excalibur

  • Nazi Gold

  • Montezuma’s Treasure

The correct answer is Holy Grail. According to legend, on the order of King Arthur people like these spent their lives searching for the precious treasure of the Holy Grail.

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