In case of a flood, what are the recommended actions to ensure the…

CBSE Social Science class 10 question and answer | In case of a flood, what are the recommended actions to ensure the safety of your family and belongings? Describe any two.


In case of a flood, what are the recommended actions to ensure the safety of your family and belongings? Describe any two.

Ans. In case of a flood, ensuring the safety of your family and belongings is paramount. Here are two recommended actions:

  1. Evacuation Planning: Create and communicate a clear evacuation plan with your family members well in advance of a flood event. Identify evacuation routes, emergency shelters, and assembly points in your area. Establish a communication plan to stay in touch with family members and neighbors during the evacuation process. Additionally, designate a meeting place outside the flood zone where family members can reunite if separated during the evacuation. Practice evacuation drills regularly to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

  2. Secure Important Documents and Belongings: Take proactive measures to safeguard important documents, valuables, and belongings from potential flood damage. Store essential documents such as identification papers, insurance policies, medical records, and financial documents in waterproof containers or sealed plastic bags. Consider creating digital copies of important documents and storing them securely on a cloud-based platform or external hard drive. Elevate valuable items and electrical appliances to higher ground or upper floors to minimize the risk of water damage during a flood. Additionally, secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and loose objects that could be swept away or cause damage if submerged in floodwaters.