Mr. Lamb t in about a symbol of optimism and hope. Support vour Therer with examples from the text.

Class 12th English , Question Paper 2023:Mr. Lamb t in about a symbol of optimism and hope. Support vour Therer with examples from the text.

Question :Mr. Lamb t in about a symbol of optimism and hope. Support vour Therer with examples from the text.

The correct answer is -In the story “The Enemy”, Mr. Lamb represents a symbol of optimism and hope. He constantly tries to convince Derry that there is no essential difference between them and that they are both human beings with the same potential for goodness. Mr. Lamb’s optimistic outlook on life is evident when he says, “The sun’s shining now, and that’s a good sign” despite being held captive by the enemy during the war.

Mr. Lamb’s hope for a better future is also evident in his conversation with Derry about the potential for peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds. He believes that by getting to know each other, people can overcome their differences and live together in harmony. This hope is reflected in his statement, “The day will come when they’ll find out that it’s easier to live together than to fight each other.”

Furthermore, Mr. Lamb’s attitude towards life is a symbol of hope and optimism. He does not let his circumstances get him down and always looks for the good in every situation. He is hopeful that Derry will eventually come around and see things from his perspective, and his positive attitude towards Derry even in the face of his hostility is a testament to his unwavering hope for a better future.

In summary, Mr. Lamb’s character represents a symbol of hope and optimism in the story. His unwavering faith in humanity and his hope for a better future are evident throughout the story, and serve as an example of how one can maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.