Quiz The world is facing accelerated rates of species extinction largely due to...

The world is facing accelerated rates of species extinction largely due to human…

CBSE Biology class 12 question and answer | The world is facing accelerated rates of species extinction largely due to human activities. Explain any three human activities responsible for accelerated rates of species extinction.


The world is facing accelerated rates of species extinction largely due to human activities. Explain any three human activities responsible for accelerated rates of species extinction.


Accelerated rates of species extinction are largely attributed to human activities. Here are three human activities responsible for this phenomenon:

  1. Habitat Destruction: Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, agriculture, and mining lead to the destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats. This loss of habitat reduces the available living space for many species, disrupts ecological processes, and can directly result in the extinction of species unable to adapt to the altered environment.

  2. Overexploitation: Humans exploit wildlife populations for various purposes such as food, medicine, clothing, and pets. Overhunting, overfishing, and illegal trade contribute to the depletion of populations and can push species to the brink of extinction. Examples include the overhunting of large mammals like elephants and rhinos for their ivory, and the overfishing of marine species like sharks and tuna.

  3. Climate Change: Human-induced climate change, primarily driven by the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, leads to alterations in temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels. These changes can disrupt ecosystems, shift the distributions of species, and increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms. Species that are unable to adapt or migrate in response to these changes may face extinction.

These human activities, among others, pose significant threats to global biodiversity and contribute to the ongoing loss of species at an unprecedented rate. Addressing these threats requires concerted efforts in conservation, sustainable resource management, and global cooperation.

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