India Haunted Places in Mumbai – Probably the Biggest Adventures of Your Life

Haunted Places in Mumbai – Probably the Biggest Adventures of Your Life

4. Pawan Hans Quarters

Pawan Hans Quarters

The paranormal quotient is pretty high in these quarters. Well, that’s mainly due to the legend that is popular here. Apparently, a 20 something girl committed suicide here in 1989 by setting herself on fire. And, if the witnesses are to be believed, she replays her tragic death sequence to the locals. There are multiple common accounts where people have seen a girl on flames running and ultimately vanishing into a nearby peepal tree. Locals have built a Hanuman temple near the tree to keep the freakish events at bay. However, nobody’s been hurt in all her spooky reruns of the incident. Maybe, she just wants to give the message that it’s really a very painful way to die. Ghosts can be with good intentions, too. Maybe.

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