List of Hospitals in Panaji
Some of the most reputed hospitals of Panaji are as follows:
- Dr. Bhandare Hospital
- Manipal Goa Cancer & General Hospital
- Sardesai Nursing Home
- T.B. & Chest Hospital
Public as well a private hospitals are running successfully in the land of Panaji. The hospitals are known to provide very good emergency services. All kinds of hospitals are available ranging from very expensive to economic ones in order to cater to the vast number of patients hailing from different economic backgrounds. The doctors and the nursing staff are highly approachable. The government run hospitals often provide free medical assistance to those who cannot afford the cost of many treatments. Patients within the hospitals are given intensive care. The ministry of health is indeed taking serious measures to bring about a betterment in the condition of the hospitals and nursing homes.
Last Updated on: 15/05/2013
Hospitals in India