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Demographics of Thanjavur

The demographics of Thanjavur provide comprehensive and detailed information on the population growth, sex ratio and literacy rate of the ancient city of Tamil Nadu. According to the census data of the year of 2001, the total population of Thanjavur is 22, 05,375, out of which 10, 91,557 are males and 11, 13,375 are females.

Thanjavur population comprises of 14, 57,204 rural inhabitants and 7, 48,171 urban inhabitants. Among the rural population, 7, 21,677 are men and 7, 35,527 are women. The urban population encompasses 3, 69,880 males and 3, 78,291 females. Thanjavur has a sizeable amount of schedule caste and schedule tribe population as well.

The schedule caste population of Thanjuvar comprises of 3.01 lakhs, and the schedule tribe population of the ancient city of Tamil Nadu comprises of 0.04 lakhs. Most of the local indigenous inhabitants of the ancient city depend on agriculture for earning their livelihood.

The cultivators of Thanjavur are classified into three distinct categories of small cultivators, marginal cultivators and agricultural laborers. As per the statistics provided by the census of the year 2001, the district of Tanjavur holds 41.856 population of small farmers, 21,531 population of marginal cultivators and 4, 68,906 populations of agricultural laborers.

The demographic statistics of the traditional city of Tamil Nadu in South India offers complete factual knowledge about Thanjavur. The census data shows that most of the native inhabitants of Thanjavur reside in the villages of the district and are engaged in agricultural activities.

Last Updated on 06 December 2011