Job security or rather the lack of it is one of the biggest realities today. In past people were able to hold down a job for several decades and if they were lucky enough to work in government service they could work for a long time with all the related perks. Even in cases where people changed their jobs, it was not because of some unforeseen or unfortunate circumstance. Mostly it was because of a much better opportunity that they had received. However, the situation is much different now. Factors such as the following have meant that no one in the world is sure of holding down a job for long:
• Globalisation
• Downsizing
• Outsourcing
• Recession
• Contracting
It has also been seen in a number of studies that the constant feeling that we may lose our jobs could pose greater health problems than the actual loss of one.
Dealing with insecurity-related stress
Many people now-a-days normally end up working in around 10 to 12 companies before they retire. Job insecurity is something that all of us face at one point or the other in our lives. This is why it is necessary to learn the ways in which this grave issue can be properly dealt with. Each and every one of us is different in terms of our family situation, financial condition, and how ready we are to adapt to the changes – wanted and unwanted – in our life. All of us react in different ways to various situations in our lives and this determines how we end up in life from a mental perspective. Coming back to combating stress resulting from lack of job security, one thing needs to be kept in mind. No one knows what our future holds for us. So, we can be prepared for it in advance and be sure that we at least tried to face the situation.
The power of positive thinking
The first thing that we need to do in such situations is be optimistic. We need to remember that whenever one door closes on us another one opens. It is always an uncomfortable feeling to live in an uncertain state of mind but perhaps it can be looked at from a different point of view – as an opportunity to do something else, which may be more rewarding.
Thinking outside the box
Thinking outside the box is an often-used sentence. There are two ways of doing this. You can do something that no one else is doing. However, in the context of job market you can think of bringing new skills to the fore in the domain that you are already working in. You can always be adaptable to new challenges in your office and show a bevy of organisational capabilities such as team and time management coupled with leadership. You can develop people skills as they always come in handy during adverse situations such as lay-offs.
Being in Control
We normally get stressed because we tend to assume that we are never in control of what is going to happen to our lives. It is a wrong thought. We are always the ones responsible for what happens to us. We are capable of changing our lives as and when we see fit. In case you are apprehensive of losing your present job then ask for a transfer within your company – like a new department or a new branch – or change the job before it happens. In case you are a team leader discuss any bad situation with your team members. Such discussions should be used to voice all the insecurities and fears that all of them have instead of spreading negativity and weakening the team’s morale. Instead of sitting and worrying try and find out solutions to the problem and move forward.
The importance of being worthy
In situations where certain people need to be laid off, it is always the ones who add value to the company that are retained. So, it is important to be that person who does extra work for the company and also is upbeat all the time no matter what. You can always be that person who stays behind when the need arises and also helps others who are not doing well. It is always important to love your job as such things are valued by the company, especially in times such as this.
Keeping Updated
It is important to keep oneself updated and relevant from the perspective of the job market so that even if you are laid off due to some reason or the other you will have a new set of skills that you will be able to show to your prospective future employers. It is also important to be a good worker. The realities of the job market are always changing and this means that the technical skills needed in a job are varying as well. So, it pays to add more arrows to one’s quiver by acquiring new skills. Even in case you are laid off, if you have a new skill it will always be helpful. It is important to be aware of the latest developments in one’s industry and earn the newest certifications if possible.
Projecting a positive image
At times in the modern world it is important to let people know what you have achieved in your professional life. Mostly people do not indulge in such behaviour since it represents a kind of boasting but you can look at it as a way to let important people – especially your bosses – know about your capabilities. This will help them know how valuable you are.
Always Update Your Resume
This is a very important, and yet neglected, part of modern-day professional world. You may or may not be worried about losing your job but it is always better to keep updating your resume. This will come in handy when you suddenly lose your job. With an updated resume you will not need to waste time in creating one and you will be able to apply immediately. You can also consider saving money for times when you do not have a job.
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