On the wintery evening of 21 February 2013, the city of Hyderabad came to a standstill when two bomb blasts shook it to the core. The citizens, caught completely unprepared for the tragedy, could only witness the carnage with a bereaved heart. The bombs were placed in the most crowded areas of the city to maximise damage. Despite the strong security... Read More →

Also known as ‘The Father of Research Laboratories’, Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar became the first director-general of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in 1940. In order to honour Dr. Bhatnagar’s name and achievements, CSIR instituted an award Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology. Since 1958, outstanding scientists who have made vital contributions in multiple branches... Read More →