Pandit Ravi Shankar, one of the greatest sitar players of post-Independence India and the country’s best-known classical musician in the West, was born on 7 April 1920. He did more than any other person to popularise Indian classical music in the West. Born Ravindra Shankar Chowdhury in Benares (Varanasi) to a family of Bengali Brahmins originally from East Bengal (now... Read More →

Shankar Abaji Bhise, an Indian scientist has developed about 200 inventions, for about 40 of which he took patents. He died on 7 April 1935. Some of his popular inventions include Bhise type caster, Rotary multiple type-caster, Automatic weighing and packing machine for railways, Shella or Rola soap, An automatic machine capable of composing 3000 characters per minute, Automatic bicycle... Read More →