Sujalaam, suphalaam, malayaja shiitalaam, Shasya-shyamalaam, maataram Shubhra-jyotsnaa-pulakita-yaminiim, Phulla-kusumita drumadala-shobhiniim, Suhasiniim sumadhura-bhashiniim, Sukhadaam varadaam, maataram (I bow to thee, Mother, richly-watered, richly-fruited, cool with the winds of the south, dark with the crops of the harvests, the Mother!) (first stanza of Vande Mataram; based on original translation by Aurobindo Ghose) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, an influential figure of the Bengali renaissance and... Read More →

Popularly known as Shivaputra Siddharamayya Komkalimath, Kumar Gandharva was a Hindustani classical singer and globally recognised for his unique vocal style. Born on 8 April 1924, he refused to be bound by the tradition of any gharana and hence was bestowed upon the title Kumar Gandharva when he was a child prodigy. The term “Gandharva” refers to a musical spirit... Read More →