The state of Orissa is situated between the geographical coordinates of 81.27'E and 87.29'East longitude and 17.49'N and 22.34'North latitude. The state occupies a total area of 155,707 square kilometers. It is bound on the east by the 450 kilometer coastline of the Bay of Bengal. In the south, the state is bordered by Andhra Pradesh. The state of Madhya Pradesh lies to the west of Orissa while the West Bengal lies to the north. The state projects distinct yet homogeneous features of topography. With a blend of several physiographical features in Orissa, the state is divided into five morphological units. These five units are listed below:
- Mountainous and Highlands Region
- Coastal Plains
- Western Rolling Uplands
- Central Plateaus
- Flood Plains
One of the major sources of water in the state of Orissa is the River Mahanadi. The river has its origin in the state of Chattisgarh and flows through several districts of Orissa to meet the waters of the Bay of Bengal. The river forms its delta on the eastern fringe of the state of Orissa.
The Mahanadi river waters several districts of the state of Orissa. The river has its tributaries, Tel and Hasdo that also flow in the state. The river is a major source of electricity in Orissa. The Hirakud Dam, built in the year 1956, is situated at Sambalpur and stretches over a length of 55 kilometers. The dam restrains the flow of the river and generates a high power of electricity. The Mahanadi river has a huge catchment area in the state depositing rich alluvial silt that facilitates agriculture in Orissa. The waters of the river drains an area of 132,100 square kilometers.
The Brahmani
One of the primary rivers that water the state of Orissa is the Brahmani. The river originates in the state of Bihar. It flows through several districts of Orissa forming a large catchment area before it meets the Bay of Bengal.
orching heat of the Orissa summer makes the mercury soars to unbearable heights. However, Monsoon soon creeps in to offer a welcome break. During monsoon, the cumulonimbus clouds unfold with driving rains that wash the terrains and unfold a rich blue sky. The average rainfall recorded by the state's meteorological department is 200 cm of rainfall. By early June, the southwest monsoon announces its arrival in the state and departs by the middle of October. The rains also play a pivotal role in agriculture, the principal source of livelihood of the populace of Orissa.
Cyclone in Orissa
The proximity to the Bay of Bengal has ensured that cyclone in Orissa is a rather frequent in occurrence. Strong winds and gales followed by heavy thundershowers are known to have caused wanton destruction in the coastal state.
Orissa Topography
Orissa Topography is closely related to the Geography of Orissa. The east Indian state that encompasses a net area of 1,55,707 Sq. Km hugs the voluminous shores of the Bay of Bengal with a coastline that stretches for about 450 km. The state is enclosed between the states of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar and stretches across the latitudinal parallels extending between 17°49' North and 22°34' North and the longitudinal meridian that spans between f 81°27' East and 87°29' East.
The region is subject to a tropical climate that is depicted by searing hot summers, pouring monsoon rains and pleasant winters. The voluminous seas and the and the hilly terrains of the Eastern Ghats play a pivotal role in shaping the weather of Orissa. Consequently, the coastal zone is subjected to mild and pleasant climatic conditions while the Eastern Ghats are much cooler.
Last Updated on : 2 July 2013