This is a small city located towards the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Apart from being blessed with picturesque natural beauty, this small city has got different kinds of educational institutions, which are situated in and around its geographical boundary. Though, area wise, the city is quite small but still more than 70 % of its residents are literate with a comparatively higher rate of male literacy than the average rate of female literacy in this beautiful hill station. Being located within the state of Himachal Pradesh, the state government of Himachal Pradesh is, mainly, responsible for the establishment as well as the maintenance of different government universities and colleges.
The state government is even one of the main authorities to provide various kinds of grants to these academic institutions for the further growth and improvement of those colleges and universities. Besides that, the Central Advisory Board of Education or the C. A. B. E. makes a continuous endeavor to bring and maintain a co-ordination as well as co-operation between the Union Government of India and the Himachal Pradesh State Government.
Manali Exams: An Overview
Being the location of various kinds of academic institutions, numerous kinds of examinations are held in this city of hills. Depending on the educational institution and its requirements, the nature of examination varies from one another though. The type of institutions in Manali ranges from primary level of education to higher level of education. Following are some of the popular kinds of educational institutions that are based within the proximity of the city:
- Pre Primary Schools
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Higher Secondary Schools
- Colleges
- Universities
- I. T. I. or Industrial Training Institute
- Professional Training Institute
Each of these above mentioned institutions conduct different kinds of examinations. Some examinations are conducted as admission tests for the enrollment of students in an educational institution whereas some are conducted for promoting a student to the next standard. Some mid term examinations are even conducted in the public as well as private schools and colleges in Manali so as to judge the learning capability of the students. Most of the schools in this city, being affiliated to either the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education or the H. P. B. S. E. or the Central Board of Secondary Education or the C. B. S. E., conduct the examinations as per the guidelines of those educational boards.
Apart from the different types of academic examinations, varied other kinds of examinations are held in this city of Himachal Pradesh that are competitive in nature like the competitive examinations, which help one in getting a government job or any other kind of job. Such examinations are, generally, conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission or the H. P. P. S. C. Competitive admission tests are even held for the enrollment of students in the different engineering colleges or the institutes imparting technological education. To name 2 of the most important examinations in Manali are:
- Graduate Aptitude Test
- Combined Medical Test
Examinations conducted by the different Boards and Universities in Manali
In the city of Manali, most of the examinations are conducted on the basis of the rules and regulations of the varied boards, universities and departments of the Himachal Pradesh Government. Some of the important ones are mentioned below:
. B. T. Part - I Supplementary ExaminationExaminations that are conducted by the Himachal Pradesh University
Names of some of the examinations that are conducted in the various colleges as well as the Himachal Pradesh University or the H. P. U. as per the guidelines of the university are provided below:
- Allopathy Entrance Test
- Postgraduate Degree (M. D. S.) Entrance Test
- Under Graduate Degree Part - I Examination (For B. A., B. Com. and B. Sc.)
- Under Graduate Degree Part - II Examination (For B. A., B. Sc. and B. Com.)
- Under Graduate Degree Part - III Examination (For B. Sc., B. Com. and B. A.)
Examinations conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Takniki Shiksha Board:
Given below are names of the examinations, which are held by the H. P. T. S. B. or the Himachal Pradesh Takniki Shiksha Board:
- Polytechnic Examination
- I. T. I. Examination or C. O. E.
- All India Apprenticeship Examination or S. C. V. T. Examination
Examinations, which are conducted by the Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board:
The H. P. S. S. S. B. or the Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board is responsible for conducting numerous examination, names of some of the popular most ones are as follows:
- Allied Services Examination
- Ayurveda Pharmacist Examination
- Drawing Instructor Engineering Examination
- Female Health Worker Examination
- Laboratory Assistant Examination
- L. D. R. Examination
- Operation Theater Assistant Examination
- Operation Radiographer Examination
- Pharmacists Examination
- Physical Education Teacher Examination
- Physiotherapist Examination
- Statistical Assistant Examination
- Steno Typist Examination
- Staff Nurse Examination
- Teacher Eligibility Test or T. E. T.
- Teacher Eligibility Test - T. G. T. (Arts)
- Teacher Eligibility Test - T. G. T. (Medical)
- Teacher Eligibility Test - T. G. T. (Non Medical)
- Youth Organizer Examination