Understanding the Psychology And Behaviour Of Dogs

Dogs have a god-given intuition to foretell danger for an enemy or accident. They have the sixth sense to smell the surroundings and forewarn of tragedy by their barking manner. They may guide you to safety by dragging your trousers.

The sixth sense

The animal can use these internal time cells in navigation. Still, as yet, science has not been able to determine successfully the nature of the complex machinery of the nervous system which enables animals to perform these incredible feats. However, behaviour research seems to be getting to the root of the mystery of animal navigation. 

Inheritance and temperament

The inheritance of behaviour and temperament is complex, for the characteristics of a breed comprise a combination of several independently inherited traits modified by genetic factors. Breeds vary in aggressive behaviour, emotionality and conditionability. Some dogs, such as beagles, can be housed in large numbers because they are non-aggressive. Defence behaviour is inherited, including the fear of noise and touch. 

An analysis of dogs senses

The dog’s nose is so sensitive that we cannot conceive the fantastic range of odours that canines detect. But, on the other hand, the dog’s sight is considerably weaker than man’s, forcing the dog to use his keen senses of smell and hearing to make identifications. 

Development of Behaviour

The early development of a dog divides into several periods. The newborn puppy is deaf and blind. In 14 days, it opens eyes; during the 3rd week, the puppy undergoes a rapid change and starts to react. 

Responses to humans

Meanwhile, it has begun to walk instead of crawl and show social responses to humans and other dogs.

Why are some dogs timid?

Puppies left in a kennel environment beyond 12 weeks of age are likely to be permanently shy and timid when brought into the outside world. Terriers are more resistant to this effect than more sensitive feeds. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the dog trainer, the best results are obtained if the puppy is introduced to its future activity and environment, at least between eight and 12 weeks of age. 

Early psychological responses

Early development of the nervous system remains largely completed by eight weeks of age. For the household pet, the period between eight and 12 weeks is ideal for the basic training in such commands as come sit and fetch. It is also the ideal time for housebreaking based on the natural development of behaviour. The puppy has two basic behavioural patterns that can be used in housebreaking. One is a tendency not to defecate or urinate in a small place. The second is to urinate and defecate at special known spots.

Emotional Reactions of Dogs

Most emotional reactions of dogs are understandable to their owners. For example, your dog holds his ears down so that his forehead is smooth. On the other hand, an attentive dog often displays a wrinkled forehead, usually the result of the erection of the ears. A stiff-legged approach with a direct and slowly wagging tail indicates aggressiveness and may be followed by the attack.

When Dogs closely attached to their masters are separated from them for a long period, they may show symptoms of depression very similar to those shown by human beings.

So, keep loving your pets and never leave them alone.