Explain how are plants benefitted by their association with Glomus species.

CBSE Biology class 12 question and answer | Explain how are plants benefitted by their association with “Glomus species”.


Explain how are plants benefitted by their association with “Glomus species”.


Plants benefit from their association with Glomus species (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) in several ways:

  1. Increased Nutrient Absorption: Glomus species form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, extending their hyphae into the soil and increasing the root surface area for nutrient absorption. This enhances the plant’s ability to uptake essential nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, and micronutrients.

  2. Enhanced Drought Resistance: The hyphal network of Glomus species improves soil structure, increasing water retention capacity and enhancing the plant’s ability to withstand drought conditions. This is particularly beneficial in arid or dry environments where water availability is limited.

  3. Disease Resistance: Glomus species can help plants resist soil-borne pathogens by competing for space and nutrients in the rhizosphere, secreting antimicrobial compounds, and stimulating the plant’s defense mechanisms. This association can reduce the incidence of root diseases and enhance plant health.

  4. Improved Stress Tolerance: Glomus species assist plants in coping with various environmental stresses, including salinity, heavy metal toxicity, and extreme temperatures. By promoting nutrient uptake and enhancing root growth, they contribute to overall stress tolerance and resilience in plants.

In summary, the association with Glomus species benefits plants by improving nutrient uptake, increasing drought resistance, enhancing disease resistance, and improving stress tolerance, ultimately promoting plant growth and health.