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Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Private Limited

Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Private Limited or USHPPL plays an important role in generating hydroelectric power in Uttarakhand. USHPPL has been incorporated on 13th September 2007 to develop a 400 MW hydroelectric power project that is based on the Daulinganga River in Pithotogarth.

Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Private Limited has been set up in Uttarakhand to develop a 400 MW hydroelectric power project. This project will be developed centering the Daulinganga River in Pithotogarth. 20% of the project will be run by Reliance Energy Limited since 20% of USHPPL is owned by REL.

Terms and Conditions for Running the Project:

Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Private Limited has signed an agreement with REL to run this whole project. The terms and conditions of the agreement state that REL must spend 51% equity for the development of the Urthing Sobla project. However REL's shareholding exceeds 51% because of its 20% ownership of USHPPL.

Financial Aspect of the Project:

The whole project will cost Rs. 2,080 crore. Rs. 55.6 million had been spend till September 30th, 2007. 55% PLF is the project target of the Urthing Sobla Plant. The scheduled time for the completion of this project is March 2014.

Incorporated on 13th September 2007 Urthing Sobla Hydro Power Private Limited has become an integral part of the major Reliance Power subsidiaries.

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