Lakshadweep Ethnicity

Lakshadweep Ethnicity involves a wide gamut of tribal communities that are populating the island from many past decades. Divided as per the social status and occupation, the various ethnic groups of Lakshadweep comprises of Aminidivi, Koyas, Malmis and Malcheris.

The unique trait of the ethnicity of Lakshadweep lies in its multi-dimensional cultural ecstasy which in turn glorifies the bliss of one and only one religion - Islam. The historical archives of Lakshadweep states the fact that once upon a time the island had been visited by the great prophet of Muslims, Ubaidullah. Inspired by the sermons of this holy prophet, the people of ancient Lakshadweep converted themselves into religious followers of Islamic faith. Today, the island is dominated mainly by the Muslim sects.

The ethnicity of Lakshadweep can be categorized under four main heads. These are:
  • Aminidivis - The community of Aminidivis is found in the Amini island of Lakshadweep. The people of this community are known as one of the original and oldest clans of the place.
  • Koyas - The community of Koyas were once the land-owners of Lakshadweep who used to possess a powerful position in the island. Till today, the people of this particular community enjoy the benefits of a superior social rank.
  • Malmis - The community of Malmis were originally the tenents of Koya community. The people of this group today ferry goods through boats from one place to another.
  • Melacheris - The community of Melacheris are engaged with the occupation of gathering coconuts to extracting sweet toddy. This ethnic group pf Lakshadweep is considered as the last social rung of the island.
Lakshadweep Ethnicity collectively showcases the varied socio-cultural characteristics of the tribal people of the island.

Last Updated on 02 April 2013