Festivals of Lakshadweep

Lakshadweep Festivals speaks of the vibrant traditions of the religious past of the island. Since the majority of people living in Lakshadweep belong to the faith of Islam, hence, various festivals also reflect the customs of that faith. Bakrid, Id-Ul-Fitr, Muharram, and Milad-Un-Nabi are the important festivals of Lakshadweep.

Bakrid is followed by the entire Muslim community of Lakshadweep as symbol of sacrifice of the great Prophet Ibrahim. It is believed that on this day the Mecca or the revered pilgrimage of the Islam followers comes to an end. Prayers are offered to the feet of the Prophet in the various mosques of the island.

Celebrating the first sight of new moon after a month long fasting period, the Muslim followers, on the day of Id-Ul-Fitr prepare delicious dishes at their home and also distribute the same to their closed ones.

Muharram is a sacred festival of Muslims in Lakshadweep. On this day, the devout followers of Prophet Mohammad come out in street carrying a well-embellished taziya and beating their chests to commemorate the heinous killing of Imam Husain, who was the grandson of the great prophet.

The day of Milad-Un-Nabi is considered as one of the most pious days of the Muslim followers as on this day the great prophet of the faith - Prophet Mohammad - appeared on the earth. Apart from making special dishes, the Muslim people of Lakshadweep also indulge in various community services on this day.

The entire island becomes a sight of colorful extravaganza during each and every Lakshadweep Festivals.


Id-Ul-Fitr is celebrated by the Muslim inhabitants of Lakshadweep at a time when the new moon appears after the month of Ramadan. Ramadan symbolizes the period of fasting during which the followers of Islam faith devoid themselves from any kind of delectable dishes. Also pronounced as Eid-Ul-Fitr,the festival is followed by the Lakshadweep people by making various local cuisines.

The island of Lakshadweep is populated by a large number of Muslim communities. The religious customs, festivals and other social rituals of the island reflect the influence of Islam faith. Since a major share of people in Lakshadweep follow the Islam faith, hence the are quite popular in the place.

Id-Ul-Fitr is one of the biggest festivals of Lakshadweep in which every single person of the island take part with sufficient energy and vigor. The day starts with recitation of holy sermons in the various mosques of Lakshadweep. As the day progresses, the womenfolk of Lakshadweep start preparing a lip-smacking variety of food items. Later, these items are exchanged between the neighbors of Lakshadweep as a symbol of love and brotherhood.

The whole festival of Id-Ul-Fitr connotes to the devotion and respect of the Muslim followers who maintain a month-long fast to commemorate the good deeds of the great prophets of the past ages. Not only in Lakshadweep, but the whole of India is known to celebrate Id-Ul-Fitr with as much enthusiasm as the Islamic sects. In fact, such is the popularity of the festival that national holiday has been declared on Id-Ul-Fitr by the Government of India .

Id-Ul-Fitr truly add a piously vibrant dimension to the festivals of Lakshadweep.


Bakrid is a symbolic festival of Muslims in Lakshadweep. Paying homage to the revered Islamic Prophet Ibrahim for his sacrifices towards the divine power, the Muslim followers on this day gather in mosques of Lakshadweep to offer prayers. Bakrid is also significant for the Muslim communities since it is on this day that the journey to Mecca ended.

The religious records of Islam states that once Prophet Ibrahim had been asked by the Almighty to offer his son as a mark of devotion and sacrifice. Determined to sacrifice Ismail, his son, Prophet Ibrahim took him to the altar and did the act of sacrifice with his eyes blindfolded. After a while, when he opened his eyes he saw his son alive. It is believed that a lamb was there on the altar instead of Ismail. The traditional manuscripts of Muslims say that the Almighty was just taking a test of the intensity of the devotion of Prophet Ibrahim.

As the name suggests, Bakrid is celebrated in Lakshadweep by slaughtering a bakri or a goat in a mosque. The meat is later on distributed to the followers of Islam faith as a token of piousness. It is also said that journey to Mecca which is known as the holy pilgrimage of Muslim sects all over the world, ends on the day of Bakrid.

Lakshadweep is a place of colorful festivities. The Muslim community of Lakshadweep is known to have a major contribution towards the immense popularity of various festivals.

Bakrid of Lakshadweep is one such festivals of Muslims which surely enriches the very tradition of mirth, fun and frolic in the island.


The festival of Muharram in Lakshadweep is celebrated with much zeal and fervor in the Lakshadweep islands. The festival commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussein, who was the grandson of the prophet Mohammed, at Karbala in Iraq. The people of Shia community bring out colorful tazias that are symbolic of the sparkling tomb of the Martyr's and are carried in mass processions throughout the streets of Lakshadweep.

The Hindu population of Lakshadweep was converted to Islam by Hazrat Ubaidullah of Mecca. The Hazrat came to this island land after his ship wrecked while he was out on his mission to propagate Islam. After fierce oppositions he finally succeeded and today 93% of the inhabitants of Lakshadweep are Muslims as per the census of 1991.Naturally enough the Islamic festivals are celebrated in grand scale in this island district located in the south west of India.

The tazias of Muharram in Lakshadweep are noteworthy for their splendor. A tradition peculiar to Muharram is people beating their chest to mourning the grave incident. With the increasing beats of the drums they fervently chant 'Ya Hussain'. Inflicting wounds on their own bodies with sharp metal chain is considered as a mark of repentance in this festival. The whole of Lakshadweep celebrates Muharram from the first day of the first Islamic month of Muharram ul Haram and lasts for 10 days until the 10th day of Muharram. Black clothes are worn by the Muslims while celebrating Muharram in Lakshadweep as a symbol of mourning and the processions are marked by wails and lamentations.

Milad Ul Nabi