Gopal Bhavan

An architectural marvel of the ancient times, Gopal Bhavan of Bharatpur in Rajasthan was constructed in the year of 1760. Surrounded by luxuriant gardens, the magnificent building of Gopal Bhavan draws several tourists from far and wide who are absolutely thrilled by the old glory and grandeur of the historical place.

Gopal Bhavan bears relics to the rich historical ancestry and architectural legacy of the bygone era which is reflected in its remarkable structural designs. The beautiful building is situated besides the crystal clear water of the Gopal Sagar pond. The superb architectural buildings of Sawan Bhavan and Bhadon Bhavan portray the enriched artistic skills and creative imagination of the local craftsmen of the ancient period.

The brilliant architectural building of Gopal Bhavan houses an excellent war trophy which is in the form of a beautiful swing. The famous king of the Jats, Raja Suraj Mal had brought the war trophy from court of the Mughal emperors in Delhi.

The walls and ceiling of the huge banquet hall of the Gopal Bhavan is highly ornamented with exquisite designs and engravings that reflect the rich craftsmanship of the local artisans of the ancient period. The banquet hall of Gopal Bhavan has a vast reserve of antique furniture, relics of the ancient times and many other remnants of the royal family of Bharatpur.

Gopal Bhavan is an important place of tourist attraction of Bharatpur. The numerous travel agents organize regular excursions from Bharatpur to Gopal Bhavan that helps the tourists to explore the unique historical and architectural culture of the bygone era of Rajasthan.

Last Updated on July 23, 2013