The industry in
Goa is ranked fourth in the country by a study conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies and Confederation of India Industry. So the industry in Goa has emerged as one of favorable destination for investment. Being both investor-friendly as well as environment -friendly, Goa has one of the highest per capita income ratios in the country, one of the highest literacy rates, the highest road, rail, air and sea network density, the lowest crime rates, and a harmonious trade union-management relationship. All these factors, combined, contribute towards a healthy environment for the industry in Goa.
Several Central and state organizations have been set up over the years with the aims and objectives of securing and assisting in the rapid and orderly establishment of Industrial Areas, Industrial Estates and industries in Goa. The following Central and State government institutions are active developers of industry in Goa:
- The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) of Goa, Daman and Diu.
- The Goa, Daman & Diu Industrial Development Corporation (GDDIDC).
- The Goa Handicrafts, Rural & Small Scale Industries
Development Corporation (GHRSSIDC).
- The Goa Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC).
- The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI).
- The Maharashtra Industrial & Technical Consultancy Organisation (MITCON).
- The Maharashtra State Financial Corporation (MSFC).
- The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC).
- The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
- The Small Industries Service Institute (SISI).
The government of Goa has also formulated certain policies to operate the industry in Goa. Some of the features of the Industrial Policy of Goa - 2003 announced by the Goa Government are given below:
Marine |
Inland |
Total |
69386 |
3749 |
73135 |
Along with fishing, forest produce, rich in teak, casuarina, acrocarpus, rubber, cashew, bamboo, eucalyptus, roadside plantation, canal bank plantation, and others also forms a major industry in Goa.
Last Updated on: 8/06/2013