India Energy Map

The modernisation of a nation has its flipside. One of the fastest-growing countries, India's energy consumption is increasing at a rapid rate. In India, energy resources are being adequately harnessed to cater to the growing urban and rural needs.

As per the current reports, India is all set to cross the 100 GW renewable energy capacity mark in 2020 and can make an expeditious stride towards the ambitious 175 GW.

Energy Resources in India

India is a land with vast natural resources. It has a plethora of coal mines, water bodies, areas with strong winds and places rich in minerals. These enable the country to generate its energy. India is capable of meeting 90% of its individual energy needs. This is possible due to the availability of various renewable and non-renewable energy resources.

India Energy Map

India Energy Maps
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*Maps showing the location of major Energy producing Thermal power plants, Nuclear Power plants, hydro power plants.

Disclaimer: All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authencity of the same.

Renewable energy resources in India

  • Bio-fuels - Bio-diesel is one of the important requirements in the world. India has abundant bio-mass to utilise. Its biomass reserves have not been properly harnessed. The Indian Government is making efforts to exploit the biomass reserves of the country.
  • Hydroelectric power - India has a large number of water bodies in the form of rivers and oceans. The availability of these water resources makes it easy to generate hydroelectricity. At present, the country has the capability of producing hydro-energy of about 15 million MW.
  • Combustible wastes - India is converting its combustible wastes into powerful energy resources.
  • Wind power - India is developing its wind energy plants. With windmills installed in as many as 13 states, India produces electric energy of about 45,000 MW.
  • Solar energy - India is steadily using solar power to replace electrical energy. But there is still much room for improvement. The cost of solar equipment is still high in the country.
  • Nuclear energy - India is trying to generate nuclear power for civil use. The recent Indo-US nuclear pact has been a step in that direction. India is trying to develop an annual 20 GW of nuclear power generation capability by 2020. It occupies the ninth place in the number of countries having active nuclear power reactors.

Non-renewable energy resources

  • Coal
  • Natural Gas
  • Petrol
India is a land with vast natural resources. It has a plethora of coal mines, water bodies, areas with strong winds and places rich in minerals. These enable the country to generate its own energy. India is capable of meeting 90% of its own energy needs. This is possible due to the availability of various renewable and non-renewable energy resources.

Indian Energy Companies

At present, there are several companies engaged in energy generation. They are using energy resources for the generation of vast amounts of electric energy. Some of these are

Unitron Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No-25,
Sanjay Park,
Sr No 235,
Airport Road,
Maharashtra - 411032,
Phone number: 020 26684399.

E.R.I Tech limited

Mirza Galib Street,
Park Street,
West Bengal - 700016,
Phone number: 033 22264404.

Suzlon Energy


Focus Energy Ltd. Address:
3rd Floor Gopala Tower,
25 Rajendra Place,
New Delhi - 110008,
Phone number: +91-11-42300400, 25065011/12

Goldwyn Limited

E - 20,
Noida Special Economic Zone [SEZ],
Noida - 201 305,
Phone number: 91-120-2568537

India is blessed with abundant natural resources. These companies are trying to harness India energy resources to the maximum capacity.

Last Updated on : February 28, 2020


India Energy Maps



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