The current urban Mangalore population in Karnataka is around 4,19,306 people. As per the current projections, the population of the district of Mangalore is on rise. As per the census of year 2001, a steep growth rate of 20.06% was measured in the population of Mangalore during the years from 1971 to 1981.
As per the Census of year 1991, out of the total population of Mangalore, 49% are males while 51% are females. The sex ratio of Mangalore population i.e., the number of females per 1000 males is 1041. The density of population per square kilometer i.e., the number of people living in an area per square kilometer is 910.
Out of the total population in Mangalore, 71% of the people are educated. Among this, 75.45% are females and 89.34% are males. Out of the total literate population, 76.38% belong to the rural areas while 85.99% belong to the urban areas. Hence, this shows a high literacy rate amongst the rural population at Mangalore.
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