Satellite Map of India
A satellite view of a country gives you an outline of a country and its boundaries shared with other countries; also, it demarcates the different states within the country. Below is a map, as captured by a satellite, showing the seventh largest country in the world, India as well as its neighbouring countries.
Spread over an area of 3,287,263 sq km, India has total 28 states and 8 union territories. The country shares international borders with seven countries, namely Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The water bodies surrounding India are the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. In the map below, it is clearly shown that the southern part of India is bordered by the Arabian Sea to the west, the Indian Ocean to the south and the Bay of Bengal to the east.
Furthermore, the map helps you know more about the borders shared by Indian states with different neighbouring countries. Punjab, Gujarat, J&K and Rajasthan share borders with Pakistan, while Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and J&K share boundaries with China; Bihar, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and Uttarakhand with Nepal; West Bengal, Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya with Bangladesh; West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam with Bhutan; Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur with Myanmar; J&K (Pakistan-Occupied Area) with Afghanistan.
On zooming in and out of the India satellite map, one can locate different states, cities, towns, villages, and other regions of India. In order to see the names of the regions marked on the map, one can select 'Labels' option given on the top-right corner of the map.
General Maps
- National Science Museums in India
- Jyotirlinga Shrines
- Geological Map of India
- Canals in India
- Major Lakes in India
- Heritage Map of India
- Pin Code Zones in India
- Per Capita Income of India
- Major Sea Ports
- Languages in India
- Climate map of India
- Parlimentary Constituencies in India
- Tourist Circuits in India
- Metallic Minerals in India
- Cold Desert Map
- Major Electricity Generator Plants
- Religions In India
- Major Earthquakes in India
- Major Hydro Power Plants
- Indian States and Union Territories
- Cabinet Ministers
- Map of Indian States and Union Territories Enlarged View
- Physiographic Map of India
- Religious Places in India
- Geographical Map of India
- Dams in India
- India Coal Reserves Map
- India Political Map Enlarged View
- India Satellite Map
- Topographic Map of India
- Population Map Of India
- Natural Hazard Map of India
- Tourist Map of India Enlarged View
- Tier I and Tier II Cities of India
- Cyclone Prone Areas in India
- Outline Map of India Enlarged View
- Wine Producing Regions in India
- Map of Major Airports in India
- Birth Rate in India
- Statehood Movements in India
Last Updated on : November 22, 2022