Mumbai has many parks and gardens and one among them is Balodyan Gardens. Mumbai is located at the south west of India on the Konkani coast. Mumbai, the financial capital of India, is one of the most highly populated cities in the world. Often people need a break from their normal routine in Mumbai and the places to head for are the peaceful parks and gardens of Mumbai. Balodyan Gardens is one such place.
Balodyan Gardens is situated close to the Charni Road station in Mumbai. The garden was inaugurated on 24th February 1952 by Dr.Rajendra Prasad, the first president of India. The main aim for the establishment of the park was to encourage and enhance the creative talent in young children. One of the striking features about this garden is that only children and ladies are permitted to enter the garden.
Balodyan Gardens is open to the visitors on all days of the week from 8.00 am in the morning to 12.00 in the noon and in the evening from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. The garden is equipped with a lot of things so that the children can discover their artistic inclinations.
Balodyan Gardens is a perfect place for children after their whole day of engagement in academics in schools. The lush green garden with flowers and trees all around, invites huge number of crowds on holidays. It even has different rides for children making it more interesting and enjoyable for them.
Last Updated on : 11 April 2011