Shirdi is situated roughly 296 Kilometers away from Mumbai. The nearest railway station from Shiridi is Kopargaon which is 15 kilometers on Manmad-Daund section of Central Railways. Shiridi is famous for the temple bestowed in the name of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.
For a divine and spiritual experience visit Shiridi once in a lifetime. Shirdi tour is the widely popular pilgrimage which is believed to bring the pilgrims close to the deity himself. The tour is enjoyed by everyone regardless of age. Believers of Sai Baba visit the holy place to educate them about the life and preaching of the divinity and sometimes to achieve salvation.
How to travel from Hyderabad to Shiridi
Hyderabad to Shiridi by Rail
The nearest railway station connected to Hyderabad is Manmad Jn (MMR) and the trains from MMR generally halt at Kacheguda (KCG) and Secunderabad Jn (SC).
List of Trains from Hyderabad to Shiridi: es from Hyderabad to Shiridi
There are two types of bus provider from Hyderabad to Shiridi - private and APSRTC. Under private bus providers 2+2 Hi tech, 2+2 A/C Coach and 2+1 Hi Tech buses are available with fare ranging from Rs 190 - Rs 360. And under APSRTC bus providers, Express Service, Luxury and Hi Tech Luxury buses are available with fare varying from Rs 248 - Rs 371.
Hyderabad to Shiridi by Air
There are no direct flights from Hyderabad to Shiridi. Board flights which arrives at Mumbai Airport and from Mumbai you can travel Shirdi town by road.
The Hyderabad to Mumbai flights are:
- Air India: It departs at 03:50 pm, 7:50pm, 08:15 and 9:35 in a day from Hyderabad and takes around 2 hours to reach Mumbai city
- Indigo: It departs at 06:00 am and also on 11:55 am and takes minimum 1 hr 5 minutes to reach its preferred destination. All Indigo flights do not fly from Hyderabad to Mumbai on Tuesday.
- Spicejet: Spicejet takes off from Hyderabad at 09:00 pm and arrives at 11:15 pm in Mumbai.
Accommodation facility in Shiridi
Hotels in Shridi range from 5 star, 2 star to even 3 star categories providing utmost comfort and hospitality to the pilgrims. Some of the best hotels in Shiridi are:
- Hotel Kuber Inn
- Sun n Sand
- Hotel Nalanda
- Hotel Goradia