Kolkata is an important center of manufacture and wholesale distribution of ayurvedic and herbal products in India. These ayurvedic and herbal products of Kolkata include medicines, cosmetics and spices.
Listed below are some of the well-known agencies and companies of Kolkata who are the manufacturers and wholesalers of ayurvedic and herbal products in Kolkata:
Kolkata - 700 031
Phone: (91)-(33)-24127992/24722116
Address: 18, RN Mukherjee Road
Kolkata - 700 001
Phone: (91)-(33)-22482679/22484416
Address: AE-340, Sector-1, Salt Lake
Kolkata - 700 064
Phone: (91)-(33)-23377555/23377593/23218719
Address: P-855, Block A, 2nd Floor, Lake Town
Kolkata - 700 089
Phone: (91)-(33)-40084019
Address: A/E, 3/2 Jyangra, P.O. Deshbandhunagar
Kolkata - 700 059
Phone: (91)-9433444140
Address: 39/A, B, C, Broad Street
Kolkata - 700 019
Phone: (91)-(33)-22904185
Kolkata is one of the most important areas housing several companies producing and selling ayurvedic and herbal products commercially.
Last Updated on 22 October 2012