The lawyers in Kolkata are highly professional and proficient. lawyers in Kolkata are proud of the achievements of their forefathers in this profession. The lawyers of Kolkata have always laid an example to rest of the world whether within the court or outside it.
Most of the lawyers in Kolkata have graduated from the West Bengal National University of Juridical Studies (NUJS). Kolkata has many district courts where hundreds of lawyers work daily. But all eyes aim at Calcutta High Court, the largest court in Kolkata.
Generally lawyers at Kolkata get themselves registered under a law firm and work on cases of clients that come to the firm. This is the best platform for all the new lawyers in Kolkata to show their quality and capability. Most of these law firms are operated by retired lawyers of Kolkata.
So if you are looking for some good lawyer in Kolkata, it would be better if you visit any of the following law firms because they will provide you with a suitable lawyer to fight your case :
11, Old Post Office Street
Phone: 91-33-22203122, 22485074
Emerald House, 1B Old Post Office Street
Phone: 91-33-22487000, 22213838
Email: [email protected].
6/7 A, AJC Bose Road
Kolkata - 700017
Phone: 91-33-22807559
Email: [email protected]
10, Old Post Office Street
Kolkata - 700001
Phone: 91-33-22483340
Email: [email protected]
Last Updated on 09/2/2013