Kolkata is one of the most important metropolitan centers of India dealing in the wholesale production and distribution of computer hardware and softwares. The computer hardware and softwares manufactured and sold here include systems, servers, peripherals, etc.
Listed below are the names and contact addresses of some of the well-known companies who are wholesalers of computer hardware and softwares in Kolkata:
Address : KG Banerjee Road, Post-Malancha Mahinagar
Profile: Wholesale Suppliers of Computer Hardware Products, RAM, Motherboard, Hard Disk Drive, Hardware Networking Products and Other Hardware Peripherals.
Address : 50, Chowringhee Road
Profile : Wholesale Suppliers of Accounting Software Packages
Address : 30/1, Sarat Bose Road
Profile : Wholesale Suppliers of Computer Software Packages
Address : 49, Ezra Street, 2nd Floor
Profile : Wholesale Suppliers of Statutory Softwares, Crm Software, Accounting Softwares, Computer Hardwares, Computer Stationery
Address : Cotton Street, Kolkata
Profile : Wholesale Suppliers of Computer Peripherals, etc.
Address : 85, M Street
Kolkata - 700 013
Profile: Wholesale suppliers and distributor sellers of used computers, monitors, hard disc drive, RAM, mother board, cards.
Address: 3, Feeder Road, Belgharia
Kolkata - 700 056
Profile: Manufacturer and exporter of assembled computers and software developer.
Address: 5/5, BT Road, Belgharia
Kolkata - 700 056
Profile: Manufacturer and exporters of computers and software.
Address: 4, Chandni Chowk Street
Kolkata - 700 072
Profile: Dealer and retailer of computers, computer hardware, peripheral and accessories.
Kolkata is reputed to be one of the most important cities of India where large scale manufacture and transactions of computer hardware and softwares take place.
Last Updated on 22 October 2012