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Home/Krishnan Sasikiran Archives - Who-is-who

Krishnan Sasikiran

Chess is an indoor game and is a favorite pastime for millions of people around the world. It is said to improve one’s intelligence. It is widely accepted that chess originated in India and was commonly known as Chaturanga. The present form of chess has evolved from the ancient form played in India. The All India Chess Federation was established in 1951, with its headquarters in Bombay. The first National Chess Championship took place at [...]

Krishnan Sasikiran, known in the professional world as K Sasikiran, is a renowned chess player of India. Born on 7th January 1981, Sasikiran hails from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He learnt chess from his father S. Krishnan at the very early age of 9. From a very young age, K Sasikiran started displaying his talents in chess. Professionally, his first tournament was the State under-10 Championship in Salem. Success followed with the win in the National [...]