To know India better, it is imperative to visit the country and interact with its lively citizens. The citizens of the Indian Republic are a testament to the greatness of the South Asian country.
The Republic of India is a democratic state with all Indian citizens having equal rights. The country is divided into 29 states and 7 Union Territories. The states are formed on the basis of the language spoken in that specific area. The Indian Republic accommodates over 22 official languages and over 200 dialects. The visitor to the country need not know all the 22 languages to know India better-he or she needs to know only English. English is the common language that binds all Indians together. The language is used in official communication, in street signs and in information directories. Hindi is also spoken and understood by a majority of the Indian population.
Visa to gain entry into the Indian Republic is granted only by Indian Embassies or Indian Consulates abroad. The procedure of application of visas may vary from a citizen of one country to another. North American and European country citizens are usually given the luxury of mandatory visa approval. There is no provision for visa-free entry to India. Only citizens of Nepal and Bhutan do not require a visa to enter the Indian Territory.
The visitor to India shall find all important road signs in English. The foreign traveler must keep two things in mind: traffic runs on the left side of the road and liquor drinking is looked down upon in polite Indian society.
The Indian citizens have a penchant for religious symbols. Religious signs are ubiquitous. The visitor may observe them in a surprisingly large number of places - from standard roadside shops to taxis and trucks. Religious symbols are also painted on external walls to evade potential troublemakers.
Travelers to India have a wealth of choices of transport within India. Air services exist between all major metros. The Indian railway network is the best in the world. There are numerous highways criss-crossing the Indian Republic.
India boasts of a fine blend of diverse cultural arenas. All major religions of the world co-exist in the same country. The visitors must not be surprised to see a Hindu Temple and Christian Church existing alongside each other. Many Indians carry multiple religious symbols for a better luck.
If you wish to know India better, please click on the following links:
About India
Visit India
Tourist Places in India
Indian Visa/Passport
Embassies and Consulates in India
Roads & Transport
National symbols of India
Culture of India
India Economy
Agriculture in India
Facts about India
Last Updated on 1st Oct 2012