The Gwalior climate can be termed as extremes, both in summer and winter. The summers are usually very hot and the winters very cold in Gwalior. The rains in Gwalior are, however, restricted only to the monsoon months. The northwestern wind blows, predominantly, over the city of Gwalior and the wind speed generally ranges from 8 km per hour in summer to 2 km per hour in winter time. This makes the months from October to March, the best time to visit the city.
During the summer months, the climate of Gwalior is dominated by the scorching heat and the humidity level is also on the rise. From the month of April to the month of June, Gwalior experiences summer months with temperatures soaring to a high of 45 - 47 degree centigrade. The climate of Gwalior is very humid, especially at this time of the year. The mean summer temperature in Gwalior is, however, 33� centigrade.
In the winter season, the climate of Gwalior steeps down to a chilling temperature of as low as 1 - 2 degree centigrade. The mean minimum temperature in the winter months is 18.5� C in Gwalior.
Owing to the Gwalior geography, the city falls in the rain shadow zone of India. As a result, it receives an average of only 700 mm per annum, almost half of what the other places of the state receives in average. The monsoon starts usually from the middle of June and continues till the middle of September.
Last Updated on 16th Oct 2012