Since throughout the year Kanyakumari remains pleasant, tourists can plan to visit the place at any time of the year. The climate in Kanyakumari undergoes very slight variations. However, it is highly recommended to visit this place between October and March.
From April to June, Kanyakumari faces a very hot temperature that can reach up to maximum 35°C, whereas from November to February Kanyakumari remains coolest and the temperature hovers around 21°C. On the other hand, sometimes due to the Northeast Monsoon gentle rainfall takes place between the month of October and December.
Kanyakumari Weather is assumed to be a tropical one. The summer season is soothing with sufficient warmth, whereas winter is never too cold and the people are basically not required to wear pullovers.
The approximate yearly rainfall of this district is 1188.6 mm. It is said that the humidity and temperature of this place remain comparatively high all through the year.
Rainfall is quite common at any period of the year. The Monsoon Season is relatively more precipitation than at any other seasons.
Usually while making a holiday trip in Kanyakumari one should always carry lightweight clothes and an umbrella. A few more winter clothing may also be carried during the winter seasons, since during this time temperature falls slightly in the evening.