Summer in Punjab actually commences from mid April. But the temperature starts rising from February onwards. The summer months are followed by the rainy seasons. Generally, the rainy season in Punjab begins in the first weeks of July. It ranges from 250mm to 1000mm. The agriculture of the state highly depends on the rains. The monsoon is brought by the monsoonal winds blowing over the Bay of Bengal. The winter season in Punjab is mostly experienced in the month of January, when the temperature falls to 5 degree in the night and it is around 12 degree in the morning.
The post monsoonal transitional season remains quite fair and dry. In the post winter transitional season, hail storms and brief showers occur which causes damage to the crops. During the end of the March, the wind becomes dry. The Punjab Climate has been a great factor in contributing to the economy of the state.
Last Updated on 7 March 2013